Nothing hides forever
For most of us, the shape of our eyes stops changing some time in our 20s much like our body stops growing. That then begs the obvious...

New treatments... new hope
If you are lucky, you get to be part of one medical advance in your career that fundamentally changes treatment for your patients. So far...

World Keratoconus day....ah, what's keratoconus?
It's World Keratoconus day and I am guess you are asking, how do you say that word and what even is it? Keratoconus is a degenerative...

Augmented reality, astigmatism and cataract surgery
In my two previous posts, I talked about what astigmatism is and how laser eye surgery corrects it. But what about if you have...

Can laser eye surgery fix astigmatism?
In my last post I explained what astigmatism was .. so you now know it’s not being a social misfit 😜... stigma.. get it? Sorry bad dad...

What is astigmatism... is that how you even say it?
Most of you might have vaguely heard this word "astigmatism" and some of you may even have been told you have it. But what actually is...