How do you become an eye surgeon or ophthalmologist?
I quite frequently get asked by my patients … so how do you become an ophthalmologist or eye surgeon? I find it a bit bemusing that many...

You and the world might look unexpectedly different after cataract surgery..
The main purpose of cataract surgery is to make people who can't see, see again. However, while for most people the improvement in vision...

Laser eye surgery: when am I too old?
It's a common question that comes up: am I too old to have laser eye surgery? Have I missed my chance? Am I going to need reading glasses...

Dr. Colin Chan interviewed by Eyeworld on cataract surgery after LASIK calculations

Eye 101
I often find educating my patients about the basic structure of the eye is very useful to help them understand their eye conditions....

Why SMILE laser eye surgery has been a game changer
In my last blog post, I spoke about new technologies which have fundamentally changed treatment for my patients. One is SMILE laser eye...

Can I have laser eye surgery again?
I see a number of patients each year whom had laser eye surgery in the 90s and early 2000s. They come back and ask me "Can I have laser...

How do I know if I can have laser eye surgery?
I tell about 1 in 5 people who come for laser eye surgery that they are unsuitable. Sounds like quite a high percentage right? That's...

Can laser eye surgery fix astigmatism?
In my last post I explained what astigmatism was .. so you now know it’s not being a social misfit 😜... stigma.. get it? Sorry bad dad...

Does laser eye surgery hurt?
"Does it hurt?" That's probably the number one question my patients ask me when they are considering laser eye surgery. And I can fully...